You’ve got to love yourself first!
Self-confidence refers to a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgement. To be self-confident is to trust in oneself,...
Yes, we’re all in “survival mode”, you are not alone! At times like these you don’t call a friend and ask “how are you doing?” But...
Dealing with conflicts wisely!
Tensions and problems will always arise within the family structure, among friends or at the workplace, but we can learn how to deal...
Getting Things Done, Finally!
One of my favorite things to do while coaching my clients is to try and keep them on track of reaching their goals. Have you noticed ...
Do you want to work and live powerfully?
Be Intentional! What does it mean to be intentional? How can we do this? Does it require detailed planning and specific definition of...
Make time work for you!
Have you ever looked at your to-do list and said that there's not enough time in the day to get it done? Here is a very short tip that...
Where is your "airplane" landing?
Reexamining Your Values: Since values are priorities that tell you how to spend your time, right here, right now, you may want to change...
Getting things done!
Why Do Values Matter? Values are priorities that tell you how to spend your time, right here, right now. There are two reasons that...
Less is More
It's a new year and many of us are still recovering from a busy holiday season. During that time we can often feel overwhelmed,...
Read Between the Lines
There is a bible verse that challenges me every time I read it. It is found in Mathew 6:23 when Jesus teaches the multitude: “The eyes...