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Do you want to work and live powerfully?

Be Intentional!

What does it mean to be intentional?

How can we do this?

Does it require detailed planning and specific definition of desired outcomes?

Truly being intentional requires understanding that our attitudes, feelings, thoughts and actions (conscious and unconscious) directly impact every single one of our experiences.

Intentional living involves taking responsibility for our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical well-being and freeing ourselves from self-limiting conditioning.

It requires gaining clarity about what we want and who we are, owning what we say and choosing how we “show up” in all situations, and for how we want to contribute.

Being intentional requires refining skills, learning to choose to respond vs. react, and expanding both thought and comfort zones while consciously increasing focus on the experience we intend to create – without defining how it “has to” look.

It’s simple, but rarely easy. Is it worth it? Of course it is!

Psalms 1:4 says:

“He is like a tree

planted by streams of water

that yields its fruit in its season,

and its leaf does not wither.”

Being intentional starts with the understanding that your relationship with others is based on the fruits that you yield, meaning the behavior that you produce.

As we yield those fruits, it attracts those who are looking for that kind of fruit. So, be intentional on the behavior that you produce at home, at work or among your friends and coworkers.

If you produce sweet strawberries you’ll most likely attract an audience that will cheer about your sweetness and delicacy.

And if you are having a "lemon type of day", remember that you can always make a nice lemonade with the lemons that life throws at you sometimes. This kind of attitude will surely surround you with great people!!

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